What does it cost to hire?
Minimum hire is from 7am until 5pm (pick up and return at any time within these hours) - £40 per board
Full day up until 9pm - £60 for one board, £110 for two.
3 day's hire – £110 (Two boards £200, includes free delivery to any BH postcode)
Full week - £220 (Two boards £320, includes free delivery to any BH postcode)
Collect board(s) in the bag(s) or inflated, from our BH14 lockup and return when hire is complete.
Proof of address (normally photo Driver's License) is required for each hire.
All payments are made before the hire, either by online bank transfer (see conditions outlined in T&Cs) - details on the contact/book page - or with cash, on the day.